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They’re good dogs, Anduin - WoW’s Stormwind Embassy now has pettable pets

world of warcraft pettable dog

You know what’s good? Dogs. Cats, too. Really, fuzzy pals of all persuasions are awesome. That’s why every time a new game comes out, we have to ask: can you pet the pets? For World of Warcraft, that answer is yes, and its options are ever-expanding.

Check out the changes from WoW patch 7.3.5.

The Stormwind Embassy now has dogs and cats, as players have discovered. You can pet them. Naturally, an action bar labeled “Petting” shows up when you do, because Blizzard know excellent game design.

These aren’t WoW’s first pettable animals, since the houses of Bradenbrook hold several, as does the pet store in Dalaran. The Broken Shore’s adorable corgi, Goya , even has his own wiki page.

So keep on waiting for Battle for Azeroth or WoW Classic. We all know the true biggest addition to WoW is already here.