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Blizzard challenge WoW players - one of Legion’s secrets “isn’t going to be found for six months or more”

world of warcraft legion secrets

One of the best-received elements of WoW’s last expansion, Warlords of Draenor, was the addition of more treasures and secrets in the world. Legion is taking this to its logical conclusion, cramming areas with items to find and easter eggs like Xur’ios. In an interview with community site Wowhead, Blizzard designer Jeremy Feasel has issued the challenge that one of Legion’s secrets will stay undiscovered for at least six months.

In our own interview, we discussed Demon Hunters with Feasel and two other Blizzard developers.

Speaking about bringing back cosmetic styles for different types of armour and weapons, Feasel said that they were looking at putting deprecated or extremely rare items in via secret finds or hidden locations. He then goes on to talk about secrets in Legion in general:

“I think we’ve done more in Legion than we’ve done in all of the previous expansions combined, and I will straight up put out the challenge that I think one of the things isn’t going to be found for six months or more.”

Even fellow designer Jonathan LeCraft wasn’t sure that would remain the case. It’s a particularly interesting claim to make in an interview with a site like Wowhead which is, essentially, a tool to make anything in the game findable with ease.

It’s also exactly the sort of thing the game needs. Every expansion has brought higher peaks to every aspect of WoW’s gameplay, and Legion redoubles that – two million gold mounts, prestige systems for PvP, fishing having its very own artifact – an ARG-like secret would be perfect for keeping people engaged.

Here’s the full interview, where Feasel and LeCraft also discuss Demon Hunters in-depth, including the possibilities for a third spec: