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This Skyrim mod lets dragons talk

Dragons can talk, yes, but should they?

Skyrim has a lot of dragons, and it has a lot of you learning dragon language so you can yell at them. But it doesn’t give dragons very many opportunities to talk to you. One modder thinks that’s a bit weird given that dragons are intelligent creatures fully capable of common speech, so now there’s a mod to make dragons chattier. There’s something for all occasions among the best Skyrim mods, after all.

Talkative Dragons makes everyday dragons in the world talk during combat through creative reuse of some of the game’s original voice lines, so you’ll actually hear some dialog outside of story-centric battles with the likes of Paarthurnax and Odahviing. Besides the generic combat barks, they’ll even get properly mad if you use the Dragonrend shout against them.

“This mod reuses some vanilla voice lines to make dragons speak during combat, so they feel like sentient creatures instead of just mere beasts,” mod creator Voeille says.

You can grab Talkative Dragons in its original form for SSE on Nexus Mods, or in an LE port from FierySnowman and EmeraldShadow – with the blessing of the original modder, natch.

The Elder Scrolls 6 release date is still a far off dream at this point, so you’re going to want to milk those Skyrim replays for all they’re worth.