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Battlefront 2 gameplay leaks ahead of tonight’s EA Play event

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Naboo Theed map

Update: With EA’s conference now over, the official gameplay trailer of Battlefront 2 has been released. You can watch it below.

Here’s everything we know about Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Original story: I sense a disturbance in the Force. It’s as if a hundred PR people cried out and were suddenly silenced. Ahead of tonight’s big blowout at EA’s Play event, gameplay of Battlefront 2 has leaked via YouTube.

Coming from Battlefront YouTuber Axrora and reuploaded by a user called Mjolnir, this footage shows off the Assault on Theed map. It shows off Darth Maul, Rey and Boba Fett, which confirms that heroes will accessible across all Star Wars era, regardless of whether the map is set during a certain time period.

Darth Maul is how you would expect him to be, as he is able to carve through opponents with his dual lightsaber and Force choke anyone who dare cross him. Unfortunately, he isn’t played by the original voice of Darth Maul, Peter Serafinowicz. Rey is great for hunting down opponents, as her Force Vision allows her to see enemies through walls. She can then scan the area with her Force powers, spotting any nearby units for friendlies to take out.

Boba Fett is very similar to his incarnation in the first Battlefront, with his jet boosters and rocket backpack being perfect for taking out large groups of enemies or vehicles. Interestingly enough, he doesn’t have his flamethrower, but instead has a rocket barrage and a scan pulse to spot nearby enemies.

Rather than picking up heroes at points on the map, players gain Credits as they fight and can use these to buy access to special units. They aren’t just heroes though, players can call in support vehicles and super-powered units like Super Battle Droids to help turn the tide of battle.

As for the Theed map itself, its layout is quite similar to Ballroom Blitz from Battlefield 1 or Battlefield 3’s Donya Fortress, with players moving between courtyards and large ballrooms as they fight for control. Don’t expect many vehicles on this tightly packed map, besides the odd troop transport boosting your squad.

This video will no doubt be nuked by EA in due course, so watch it while you can! Expect a proper gameplay reveal of Star Wars Battlefront 2 later tonight.