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Rainbow Six Siege’s Twitch could be in for a rework

"We have Twitch in mind. She is in a weird spot right now."

With the Rainbow Six Siege Neon Dawn release date approaching, there’s a whole bunch of updates and new content on the horizon. We already know the FPS game’s got a new operator, Aruni, on the way with the Rainbow Six Siege Neon Dawn update, and recent leaks have suggested Maverick and Kali Elite skins are coming. Now, there’s even more news – it looks like a Twitch rework’s on the cards.

A Siege fan has posted a couple of charts on Twitter, asking game designer Emilien Lomet about “Twitch and her current state”. The graphs show the evolution of how the attacking op’s fared in (PC) ranked Platinum and above matches in Y4S4 compared to Y5S3, with Twitch drifting from a stronger to a weaker pick overall. Lomet has responded to the tweet, saying: “We have Twitch in mind. She is in a weird spot right now.

“Although she’s still clearly reasonably powerful (as shown in the graph you linked), but the way her drone works no longer fits fully in our systems,” the dev explains.

There aren’t any concrete nuggets of information in the reply to indicate Twitch is in for a major rework, much less anytime soon, but Lomet does add: “She’s on our radar, that’s all I can say for now”, which suggests Ubisoft’s got tweaks of some kind in mind for the op.

While there’s nothing in the multiplayer game as it stands that makes Twitch a particularly tricky pick, she’s arguably a little underwhelming in high-level play right now. Her drones are quite slow and easy to spot, and her lack of normal drones makes intel gathering harder, as she has to also rely on her gadget to do this – in turn, making her less effective at higher-level play, where getting info in this way is essential.

Beyond the hint that Twitch is on Ubi’s radar in the tweet, there are no more detail on what Twitch balance changes might bring. While you wait for more details, be sure to take a look at our best Rainbow Six Siege operatorsRainbow Six Siege new operators, and Rainbow Six Siege Year 5 guides for some handy tips.