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Rainbow Six Siege Burnt Horizon patch notes - here’s what hits the TTS today

You want patch notes? You've got them

rainbow six siege burnt horizon review

Rainbow Six Siege’s new season, Burnt Horizon, hits the Technical Test Server today, and that means it’s time to enjoy the most delicious part of the game update process: patch notes. Ubisoft has finally posted the full patch notes for the full season, and while we broadly knew all the big stuff that would be coming in this update, we’ve now got it listed in convenient form.

We’re having a longer TTS cycle than usual ahead of the Burnt Horizon release date, which may be why we’re seeing some changes listed only for the test server right now. Biggest of all, you’ll now have 20 HP instead of 50 when getting revived. That comes from a Reddit addendum for the TTS launch – it’s not guaranteed to be part of the final patch, but it is something Ubisoft is experimenting with.

Beyond that, the notes on the official site give us a proper look at the seasonal weapon skins. We’ve got some of the promised fixes on lean and crouch spam, the Ash ACOG nerf, and that new Hibana Elite skin.

Oh, and there are those little matters of the Outback map and the newly revealed operators.

We got some hands-on time with Mozzie and Gridlock, and Jordan’s early Burnt Horizon review is that they’re “fiendishly fun” – but naturally, you should follow that link for plenty more info on how they fit into the game.

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The TTS will go live in a matter of minutes from the time of this post – at 10:30 PST / 13:30 EST / 18:30 GMT – so you’ll be able to get your hands on all the new stuff for yourself very soon.