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All the Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs cards

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs

Hearthstone’s next expansion is Kobolds & Catacombs, and it will be with us in December. It introduces the classic Warcraft staple of loot to the game, which is provided through the use of several special cards. We’ve got details on all 135 new cards below. 

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Kobolds and Catacombs release date

Kobolds and Catacombs will launch on December 7 in NA, December 8 in EU. Hooray for regions.

You’ll get three card packs for logging in, as well as a Legendary Weapon. There’ll also be a set of daily quests to do the new Dungeon Run mode, each rewarding a pack.

Kobolds and Catacombs livestream

The final card reveal for Kobolds and Catcombs went down on December 4. You can watch an archive here:

A first set reveal livestream happened on Monday, November 20, revealing some cards for each class before kicking into the main spoiler season lasting for another couple of weeks. Here’s the embed:

Kobolds and Catacombs card back

As with all expansions, K&C has its own card back for pre-ordering, something you can do right now if you’re feeling like it.

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs card back

Kobolds and Catacombs cards

Alright, onto the business end of this. There are a few classes of cards you’ll want to know about before reading further.

  • Spellstones – this new type of card is upgraded the longer it stays in your hand and you fulfil certain conditions.
  • Recruit – a new keyword that means take a minion from your deck and put it on to the battlefield. Usually comes with a rider like a minion type or cost limitation.
  • Legendary Weapons -every class is getting one of these for the expansion, including those who don’t normally have weapons as part of their class. You’ll get one for free just for logging in to the expansion too.
  • In addition, a large number of cards in this expansion have different forms. These are all listed below the individual card.

Several cards have been revealed so far, and more will be revealed by Blizzard from November 20 onwards. For now, here’s every card we know of.

Kobolds and Catacombs Legendary Weapons

Given these are the headliners of the set, and you’ll be getting one for free, we’ll give these their own section.




Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs mage Aluneth

It’s also confirmed that Aluneth has voice lines when played, much like its World of Warcraft artifact version.



The Dragon Soul and its token:

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Dragon SoulHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Dragon Spirit



Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Shaman The Runespear


Like Aluneth, the Skull of Man’ari is likely to have voice lines as well.


You may note that both Woecleaver and the Runespear are eight-mana 3/3s, which is a bit of a curious stat line. We asked senior designerPeter Whalen about this, who says:

“There isn’t any special significance to that stat line. In both cases, these weapons have effects that are very powerful and more appropriate for late game. We wanted to spread the effect out over multiple turns, so the 3 durability made sense and we wanted most of the power to be in the ability rather than the attack value, so 3 attack made sense as well. Both of these cards are ones we played a bunch and iterated on, so those values changed a bit over time.”

Now, on to the other cards.

Kobolds and Catacombs neutral cards:

We’ll start with Marin, the free card everyone receives, plus the chest he creates:Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Marin the FoxHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Master Chest

And the ‘fantastic treasures’ you can get for opening it up:

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Tolin's GobletHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Wondrous WandHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Zarog's CrownHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Golden Kobold

Here’s King Togwaggle and his ransom, which is given to your opponent after playing him:

Other legendaries:


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Carnivorous Cube


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards neutral Feral Gibberer


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs neutral Guild Recruiter

Kobolds and Catacombs Druid cards:

We’ll start each class with their spellstone and its upgraded versions, here’s Druid:

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs druid Lesser Jasper SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs druid Jasper SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs druid Greater Jasper Spellstone

And the rest, starting with the legendary:


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Druid Branching Paths



Kobolds and Catacombs Hunter cards:

Spellstones and their token:


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Hunter Kathrena Winterwisp


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs hunter Crushing Walls


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs hunter Wandering Monster


Kobolds and Catacombs Mage cards:


The Legendary, and its token:


And the scrolls created by Deck of Wonders:



Kobolds and Catacombs Paladin cards:


Some classes also have unidentified items, which gain a random effect once in hand. Here’s the Paladin version:

And the possibilities:





Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs paladin Drygulch Jailor

Kobolds and Catacombs Priest cards:


Unidentified item and versions:

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Unidentified Elixir

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Elixir of HopeHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Elixir of LifeHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Elixir of PurityHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs priest Elixir of Shadows




Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Priest Duskbreaker


Kobolds and Catacombs Rogue cards:






Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Rogue Cheat DeathHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Rogue Sudden Betrayal

Kobolds and Catacombs Shaman cards:


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs shaman Lesser Sapphire SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs shaman Sapphire SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs shaman Greater Sapphire Spellstone





Kobolds and Catacombs Warlock cards:

Legendary (oh boy strap in for this one):

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock Rin the First Disciple

The first seal is just the first of many…

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock The First SealHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock The Second SealHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock The Third Seal

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock The Final Seal

And here’s Azari, plus the largest version of the demon created (they all have the same art):

Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock FelhunterHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warlock Azari the Devourer

Warlock also has, y’know, other cards. Spellstone:


The Voidlord summons Voidwalkers, with no other abilities than what is listed there.



Kobolds and Catacombs Warrior cards:


Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Warrior Lesser Mithril SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Warrior Mithril SpellstoneHearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs cards Warrior Greater Mithril Spellstone

Unidentified weapon:

Here are its bonus permutations:

And the tokens summoned by those last two:




Hearthstone Kobolds & Catacombs warrior Gather Your Party
