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We’re starting a Guild Wars 2 Guild this weekend, and we’d love for you to come along.



Hopefully, you’re all in the process of downloading the latest client for Guild Wars 2 in preparation for the Beta Weekend taking place this weekend. To celebrate, and to say a big thank you to our lovely readers* we want to make a guild for you so you can find easily find quest groups, and maybe try some PvP and World vs World together.

We’re going to set the guild up on Desolation-EU, and you’ll want to PM/Mail “Falco Darkwind” (that’s me) in-game to get access. I’mnice. Also don’t forget to add me to your friends as your contact list is left unharmed between BWE3 and launch.

Down the line, we’ll be setting up a bespoke Guild N within our site where we can organise WvW, PvP, dungeon runs and all that jazz.

But that’s for later. This weekend is all about the funtimes.

We’ll see you in-game.

You can download the game client here but hurry, the beta opens at Friday 20:00 GMT!

*Seriously – the feedback we’re getting from you guys is amazing. /wub