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Usher in your PC gaming weekend with 5 ways Far Cry transformed the open world

Weekend Esc PC gaming

The Far Cry series often gets criticised for sticking too rigidly to a formula, but it has seen a lot of change, too. Do you remember that the first game in the series was not open world at all, but a linear FPS with some very large levels? If not, we have just the thing to refresh your memory as we look at some the innovations that led us to Far Cry 5.

Watch the Weekend Esc every Friday on PCGamesN.

Yup, the newest entry in Ubi’s irreverent shooter series is now with us, which means it gets discussed in our gaming news show, the Weekend Esc. Elsewhere, Rich and Alice chat about Sea of Thieves’ scrapped death cost, and Microsoft’s plans to crack down on offensive language. Swear like a sailor at your peril.

You will want to watch all that, but don’t forget about the show giveaway this week: a Wargaming hoodie and backpack, for the look that says, “I think World of Tanks is pretty good.” To enter, have a poke at the widget below. You can complete just one of the actions suggested, or complete more of them to increase your odds of bagging the prize. We do require an email address, but only for contacting you if you win.

While you’re here – we’re also giving away DLC for the mercenary tactics game Warbanners, if you fancy spending the weekend in an ancient dwarven ruin. But first! Enjoy the show.

Weekend Esc giveaway