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Free games: two truly great games are available for nothing - but be quick

These two great games are totally free right now on the Epic Games Store - grab them quick

Epic Games Store

Epic continues to give away free PC games every month on its Games Store, and December’s is now available. The Escapists, an indie hit from 2015, is now free in its entirety on the Store. In addition, a surprise freebie has also been revealed, with The Wolf Among Us also available for the low, low price of nothing.

While we knew The Escapists was going to be free, Epic did not say in advance that The Wolf Among Us would be joining it. The announcement coincides with the reveal of a sequel, The Wolf Among Us 2, which was un-cancelled at The Game Awards 2019.

The Escapists also received a sequel, which launched in 2017, while the original came out in 2015. The Wolf Among Us, meanwhile, was released in 2013. Both of these free games received a positive critical reception when they launched, so getting them for £0 / $0 represents quite the deal. Grab them both here until December 19.

Other than The Wolf Among Us 2, lots of news emerged at The Game Awards, including lots of new trailers and announcements. You can check out our full The Game Awards news roundup for the full picture.