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Top tier zombie game enjoys big Steam resurgence thanks to steep sale

Dying Light is enjoying quite the resurgence thanks to a Steam sale and the return of the Standard Edition, and you can get it cheap.

Dying Light Steam players: a tired man looks dejected with the sun bouncing off his face

Remember when zombie media was everywhere? You couldn’t go outside without being assaulted by zombie movies, undead TV shows, or infected videogames. The likes of Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, The Last of Us, and Dead Rising all come to mind, but there’s never been anything like Dying Light. Combining close-quarters zombie slaying with frenetic parkour, the open-world RPG is having quite the resurgence on Steam, and it’s all thanks to it being dirt cheap.

After the Dying Light Standard Edition returned alongside a massive sale, the incredible parkour zombie game has been enjoying new life on Steam. Dying Light is a game that feels very much of its time, when zombies were all over our games, TV, and movies. So developer Techland did the only logical thing with the first-person zombie-slicing action it perfected in Dead Island; it added Mirror’s Edge-style parkour.

The SteamDB graph has suddenly become a vertical line, rising from around 3,000 players in the last few weeks all the way up to a 24-hour peak of 33,709 concurrent players. We might even see a new all-time peak, with 45,000 players in the game at once nine years ago the number to beat.

Dying Light Steam players: a SteamDB chart of Dying Light players

I haven’t touched Dying Light in a while, but I played it back in the day on the premise of zombie parkour and loved it. I’ll be the first to admit that some of the open-world design hasn’t aged well, but free-running around a desolate cityscape while slashing at the undead is still absolute bliss. You can even do a midair drop kick to any zombie jumping at you which is, simply put, the coolest videogame move of all time.

We gave the game 7/10 in our Dying Light review back in the day, and I maintain that a decade-old, dirt-cheap 7/10 can easily become an all-time favorite, if you let it. There’s nothing better than coming to a game or series years later, bagging it on the cheap, and having a great time despite any obvious flaws or aged design.

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Dying Light is 85% off until Sunday May 19, and you can expect to pay just $2.99 / £2.10 until then, you can learn more here. The Definitive Edition – which comes with almost 30 DLC – is also just $8.99 / £6.99 if you fancy the full package.

If you want more than just Dying Light, we’ve got all the best survival games and single-player games you need to check out as well.

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