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The first episode of the Dead Cells animated show is out now, for free

If you’ve been wanting to catch the Dead Cells animation you can watch the first episode for free, with the second episode dropping soon.

The first episode of the Dead Cells animated show is out now, for free: Esposito in the animated Dead Cells series shrugs.

Dead Cells remains one of the greatest roguelike platformers ever made, even now several years after its launch. Combining brilliantly tight action with some of the smoothest and most characterful animation seen in gaming, it was always a recipe for success. Now, the long-anticipated animated series spinoff has made its appearance and what’s more – you can watch the first episode for free.

Following much of the background of the original roguelike game, Dead Cells: Immortalis is set on a cursed island beset by a mysterious plague. The island’s king has a plan to save everyone from this disease – unfortunately the cure turns all the inhabitants into monsters. That’s not even mentioning the draconian measures the king has inflicted on the population, turning the kingdom into a police state.

Thankfully there’s hope in the form of a flame-headed hero who is prophesied to rid the land of evil and save everyone from harm. There are just two problems: the hero doesn’t want to be a hero, and he’s not very smart. The animated series follows a Guardian of the Truth named Esposito as she tries to get the hero to fulfill his destiny, even if he doesn’t want it.

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Created by the same team behind the wonderful animated trailers for Dead Cells, this series follows the action with a vivacious, dynamic style. For fans of the game there are plenty of references, even down to the roguelike nature of the title. Even if you’ve never played the game before, this is a breezy yet surprisingly bloody animated fantasy adventure, and it’s definitely worth checking out especially for the grand price of nothing.

The first episode of Dead Cells: Immortalis is out now and you can watch one new episode a week with English subtitles. Learn more over on the official ADN network YouTube account, where you can also check out teaser trailers and more.

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