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Dark Souls - The Board Game has been funded ten times over on Kickstarter

Dark Souls - The Board Game Kickstarter

It’s probably not particularly surprising that people are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of a Dark Souls board game, but the day old Kickstarter for Steamforged Games’ tabletop adaptation seems to have still exceeded expectations by getting funded in a mere three minutes. 

Read our Dark Souls 3 review to see what we made of the board game’s digital counterpart.

Dark Souls – The Board Game is now hurtling toward £500,000 (that’s a bit over $700K), ten times the level of funding the developers were looking for. 

What is surprising is that this first wave of funding isn’t being driven by fancy backer rewards. There are only two pledge tiers, one for players and another for retailers, and no silly things like a lunch with the developers. For £80 ($115) you’ll get the board game and all non-add-on stretch goals.

To get the add-on stretch goals, you need to increase your pledge. So, for instance, if you want the Gaping Dragon add-on, which was unlocked at £120,000, then you’ll need to throw down another £28 or $40.

So far, 20 stretch goals have been unlocked, and only two of them will require an addition to the £80 pledge. The non-add-on stretch goals include new player characters like the Pyromancer and the Cleric, more bosses, and extra encounter cards.

The Kickstarter will end on May 16.

Cheers, Eurogamer.