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Free games: Win a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare!

We're giving away five copies of the latest entry in gaming's biggest shooter series

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare cross-play

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now – you can read our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review to see what we thought of it – but before you scurry off to Amazon or your purveyor of choice, you’ve a chance to win a PC copy of the game entirely for free, thanks to your favourite PC gaming news outlet. No, not PC Gamer – us. Mean.

In case you’ve been living under a rock or a moustached SAS trooper, Modern Warfare is the latest entry in the Call of Duty series – still gaming’s biggest shooter IP by many metrics, including total sales. It promises a return to the ethos of 2007’s seminal Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which marked a giant leap in the series’ ascent to the top of the shooter hill, and preceded its most dramatic Michael Bay-style set pieces.

Taking a step back from such bombast, 2019’s Modern Warfare aims to find its drama in a renewed focus on what conflict actually looks like around the world today. Developer Infinity Ward – the studio behind the original Modern Warfare – promises a gritty, challenging Call of Duty campaign that has actually brought testers to tears.

And, as is usually the case, we get the best experience. Publisher Activision says Modern Warfare is fully optimised for PC, with 4k resolution, an uncapped frame rate and more. Check out the trailer:

YouTube Thumbnail

But anyway, to business. We’ve got five PC codes to give away. If you’d like a chance of winning one, then you need to enter the competition via the widget below. Complete the one action available and you’re done. Modern Warfare 2019 is exclusive to Battle.net on PC, so you’ll need an account there.

We’ll also need your email address so we can send you a code upon winning – we won’t send you spam, we promise. Please read our terms and conditions before you enter. If you’re in the market for even more free PC games, this list should sate your appetite.

COD Modern Warfare giveaway

While you’re here, give us a Like over on the PCGamesN Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter, and we’ll keep you up to date on all our future giveaways.