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Get seven iconic beat ’em ups for less than $3 each

The Brutal Beat 'em Ups Humble Bundle contains games from several fantastic series, like Battletoads, River City Girls, and Double Dragon.

Beat 'em up characters from Battletoads, River City Girls, and Double Dragon swinging through the night to beat people up.

The latest Humble Bundle gets you seven iconic beat ‘em ups for just $20 (£15.93) or just $2.87 (£2.28) each. This is a gold mine for fans of the genre, as it features a delightful mixture of old and new games including Battletoads, River City Girls, and Double Dragon.

Perhaps most worthy is the 2020 version of Battletoads. Made in collaboration between Rare and Dlala Studios, it gives the original characters a new coat of hand-drawn paint, along with fully animated cutscenes, and some truly hilarious dialogue. It’s a different direction stylistically, but as an old fan of all things Rare, I was delighted with it. If you like co-op games, you’ll also be pleased that you can play with friends, too.

While Battletoads is my favorite of the bunch, there’s plenty more on offer here. River City Girls and its sequel (the latest iterations of the Kunio-kun games) are both in the Humble Bundle, too, good news for fans of indie games. You’ve also got River City Girls Zero, a 1994 game that was only localized for English in 2021, so that should scratch your retro gaming itch.

Here’s a complete list of every game in the Brutal Beat ’em Ups Humble Bundle:

  • River City Girls 2 (2022)
  • Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons (2023)
  • River City Girls (2019)
  • Bud Spencer & Terence Hil – Slaps and Beans 2 (2023)
  • River City Girls Zero (1994)
  • Battletoads (2020)
  • Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans (2017)

The bundle is only available until Friday, June 7, 2024, so make sure you get yours before it’s gone.

Somewhat unusually, the Humble Bundle supports not one, but two different charities: Active Minds and Safe in Our Worlds. The former seeks to promote good mental health in children and young adults, while the latter works to foster worldwide mental health awareness within the videogames industry specifically.

If you love beat ‘em ups, you should read our lists of the best fighting games and the best hack and slack games too.

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