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If you bought Redfall’s Bite Back version, you could get a refund

Redfall failed to meet player and publisher expecations, so following DLC cancelations, people who paid for season passes can get refunds.

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Unfortunately, not all games are destined for greatness. That didn’t always matter. A studio could often afford to make a couple of bad games as long as it also put out a hit or two, but ballooning development times and the need to increase value for shareholders means one unsuccessful game can shut down a legendary studio. This was the case with Redfall, Arkane Austin’s live service vampire co-op shooter. Development was halted, DLC canceled, and the studio closed. Fans who’d bought the Bite Back edition or season passes were left wondering if they’d wasted their money, but now it’s being reported that players are receiving refunds.

Development on Redfall was stopped after developer Arkane Austin was closed by Microsoft on Tuesday May 7. One final update was released that added a promised offline mode and some other quality of life improvements, but all planned DLC was scrapped. Fortunately, as per a report by Windows Central, people who bought season passes or special editions of the vampire slaying co-op game claim they’ve been automatically getting refunds.

It seems Microsoft is refunding both Xbox and PC players in waves, so if you bought a season pass or the Bite Back version of the game, check your email and its junk folder to see if you’ve received yours. You may not have been part of any wave just yet, so check back in a few days as well. You could also manually request a refund with Bethesda customer support, but this may take some time as it’s likely dealing with many people doing the same.

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While it’s terrible for the developers at Arkane Austin that their studio has been shut down, especially after they created a game as critically acclaimed as Prey, it’s good that Microsoft and Bethesda are making amends for the players who bought into Redfall early.

Whether you played Redfall and liked it or didn’t, there are plenty of other vampire games that you can play right now.  You could also try some RPGs, what Arkane parent company Bethesda is better known for.

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