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Free to play MMO Lost Ark shows off huge new summer heat update

The next major update for Lost Ark is almost here and the details are out, with new raids, areas, events, balance changes, and much more.

Free to play MMO Lost Ark shows off huge new summer heat update: Echidna from the new Lost Ark raid smiles at you, I'm sure she means no harm.

If there’s one thing that sums up summer for me, it’s ignoring the weather and spending all my time indoors playing MMOs. That’s a pastime Lost Ark developer Smilegate RPG seems to appreciate too, with the upcoming Summer Heat update about to hit the colossal MMO with a huge amount of new stuff. So if you’re planning on spending your summer months with the curtains closed in a good game, there’s a big chunk of new content on the way.

Key to an MMORPG’s longevity is providing a continuous stream of stuff to do, especially for players who’ve managed to power through high level content. In Lost Ark, the Summer Heat update will be adding a ton of new things to get involved in, especially for those who’ve raised their item levels to 1580 and above. For those players, a brand new continent awaits – South Kurzan.

You see a demon lord was once sealed within a mountain and, like all good demon lords, it’s now waking up and trying to get out. You’ve got to head down to these volcanic lands and see what’s going on and find out just why the oceans are running red with blood. Key to getting to the bottom of this mystery, and eventually fighting the demon lord himself, is the brand new raid – Echidna.

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This eight player raid is aimed at players at item level 1620 and above for normal mode and 1630+ for hard mode. Designed to be true endgame content alongside the existing Abyss Raids and Legion Raids, Echidna is the first of the new Kazeros Raids and will see players begin their journey to taking on bigger and badder foes. In addition to the raid itself, there are some mechanics incoming that will allow players to earn craftable items in Echidna which they can then use to upgrade their gear to hitherto unseen levels of power.

That’s not all that’s coming in the Summer Heat update, there are new events, balance changes, allied forces skills, and much more. Lost Ark’s Summer Heat update will launch on Wednesday June 19 and you can get the full patch notes over on the official site.

If you’re just starting out on your adventure, why not take a look at our Lost Ark class tier list to know where to begin, and our guide to Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds locations for a little help when it comes to leveling up.

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